Meet the Team

The Committee 

Chair - Nige

I’ve always enjoyed running to keep fit but it wasn’t until Cate and I moved to Newark and joined Newark Striders that I realised that running didn’t need to be done on your own and could also be enjoyed as a social activity! Joining Striders in 2016 has been a real opportunity to meet people in Newark and really feel part of the town, club and community.

Although Cate and I had done one half-marathon together in 2013, my distance running has really taken off since joining Striders. I have now completed more than a dozen half marathons, ran (well, mostly ran!) my first marathon in 2018, immediately signed up for another and have kept going since.

I have made some great friends since joining the Club and have been helped and encouraged with my running every step of the way. I joined the Striders Committee and became a Run Leader in 2020 and became the Chair in 2022.

Secretary - Noel

Treasurer and Leader - Nick

I started running after finishing my accountancy exams, as I wanted "something to do" since I no longer had to study and I liked the idea of running.

The plan was to run 5k once or twice a week to help build my fitness to aid me in my squash game. Almost 3 years later and I'm regularly running at least 25 miles per week, ran more than 10 half marathons, one road marathon (soon to be two with London later this year), 3 ultra marathons and countless 10k races... And I've given up playing squash.

The Striders have helped me do all of this including beating many personal targets and thankfully many members frequently remind me to keep myself hydrated... In 2017 I became a leader for Monday and Wednesday nights and in 2018 I was privileged to be selected as treasurer for the club.

Committee Member and Leader - Lynne

I started running just under 4 years ago with a trip to my local parkrun.

Later on in the year whilst at parkrun I got talking to some members of Newark Striders and as I wanted to progress with my running I decided to take the plunge and join.

Since joining I have completed numerous run and races and at present I am training for my first full marathon.

I have recently been voted on to the committee and I take great pride in running the beginners group Step Into Striders, along with this I also collate the weekly parkrun results/reports and arrange the club tours. 

Committee Member and Coach - Graham

I came late to running as part of a fitness kick upon turning 50. It turned into a passion, I joined Striders in 2016, never looked back, and I have been busy making up for lost time ever since.

I enjoy challenging myself in training, encouraging others and pulling on the club colours for races and events from parkrun to marathon.

I am part of the run leader team that delivers the club sessions, a UK Athletics Coach in Running Fitness with an interest in the technical aspects of training that can help us to continue improving and and stay injury free.

My committee role is to take the lead with enquiries, press and social media and I also produce the weekly racing report.

Committee Member and Leader - Debbie

I joined striders in January 2015 to lose weight and start running again. I'm now 3.5 stone lighter and achieved more than I ever thought with my running.

I have raced 5k , 10k, half marathon and marathon. Striders is a amazing supportive , friendly group. I'm passionate that anybody of any age , size or ability can run.

I was elected to the committee as welfare member in 2023.

Committee Member - Gary

Coach - Jacqui

I’m Jacqui Jackson I am part of a trio that started Striders in 2013.

I was treasurer from 2013 to 2018 and Chairman from 2018 to 2021 before retiring from the Committee.

I am a England Athletics qualified run leader (LiRF) and coach (CiRF).  I am constantly updating my running knowledge through books and workshops.

I started running in 2009 completing my first of 10 consecutive Great North Runs.  I went on to complete my first marathon in London in 2015 and have since run marathons in Manchester, Brighton, Paris, Liverpool and Barcelona.

I also went on a run streak that lasted over two years! I guess you could say I like to run!

Always happy and available to help and support beginners and improvers become runners for life.

Leader - Kath

I joined Newark Striders in April 2013 as a non runner, with the aim to get fit, loose weight and meet new people.

Within a short time I realised I enjoyed running and loved helping others.

I completed my leadership course in June 2014 and was very pleased when asked to the join the committee later that year as press officer. I held the post of Club Secretary from 2018 to 2023 and i am now the Club's kit supplier.

With the support and help of Newark Striders I have completed races in distances from 5K to Ultra distance and I am currently training for my third marathon.

Leader - Cate

I have always kept fit but running was never really my thing, I used to do everything I could to avoid it; however, that was before we moved to Newark in 2016. Not long after we moved my husband, Nige, was working away, so I had to find something to keep me busy. I started with challenging myself to run the Summer Solstice 10k, training on your own is tough, but I got myself to the start line. At the event I met Jacqui and a number of other Newark Striders, the camaraderie, encouragement and support I witnessed was impressive. On completing the 10k I decided to take on Newark Half but knew I couldn’t do it on my own. So even though orange isn’t really my colour I decided to join Newark Striders and to be honest, I haven’t looked back. I now regularly do Parkrun and have completed two marathons, numerous halves and last year an Ultra. I wouldn’t say I love running now, but I love that running enables me to clear my mind and more importantly I love the community and friendship that it has brought in to my life.

I have never lived anywhere like Newark – everyone seems to run or be involved in running – be it Parkrun on a Saturday, couch to 5k or as part of one of the many clubs. The important thing is it doesn’t matter how fast or slow you run everyone says “hello” and understands how hard it is to take that first step to get out the door!

So if you fancy a run, jog or run-walk please take that first step and come to one of our club sessions.

Leader - Lisa

I've been running for over twenty years, but until 2018 I was just plodding on my own to keep fit. I then did my first Parkrun in May 2018 where I met my boyfriend who is a Strider, and joined myself later that year. 

Since then, with the help of the club coaches, leaders and members, I have knocked over 10 minutes off my Parkrun PB, ran 10Ks and half marathons - I might get brave and enter a marathon one day!

Since joining Striders, my asthma has greatly improved, I’ve made some lovely new friends and seldom run alone now. 

I became a leader earlier in 2023 to help and encourage others to enjoy running as much as I do now and I have loved every second of it!

Leader - Clive

My first competitive race was as a 12-year-old in 1970. The photo is taken in 1987 when I had a career break from teaching and was on an athletic scholarship in California.

I ran track, cross country, and road with 10 km, 10 miles and the half marathon being my favourite distances. I managed to finish 4 marathons, but also found the last 3 to 4 miles tough.

I enjoy coaching and as I am now retired can give more time to this aspect of running whilst still training on a regular basis and hoping to get back to a reasonable level of fitness.

Leader - Andy

Leader - Mark

Leader - Lesley

Leader - Tom

Leader - Phil

Leader - Tim